Tuesday, February 1, 2011

SRX Getting Started - Login

Logging In for the First Time

After installing the SRX Series device, log in as the root user. There is initially no password for the root user. After you initially log in as root, the shell prompt (%) appears. Enter cli at the prompt to start the CLI and enter operational mode. The operational mode prompt is the right angle bracket (>).

To log in for the first time:
1. At the login prompt, log in as root.
Amnesiac (ttyd0)

login: root

** Welcome to JUNOS:                                              **
**                                                                **
**     To run the console configuration wizard, please run the    **
**     command 'config-wizard' at the 'root%' prompt.             **
**                                                                **
**     To enter the JUNOS CLI, please run the command 'cli'.      **
**                                                                **

2. At the shell prompt, enter cli.
root@% cli

The CLI is started in operational mode.


Note: There is initially no password for the root user, it is required that you set a password for the root user so that you can log in as superuser and gain root-level access to the device and commit the configuration changes that you make.  If the root password is not set, you will not be able to commit any configurations.

Logging In as Non-Root Users

Non-root users automatically enter the CLI operational mode after logging in to the SRX Series device.

At the login prompt, enter the username (in this example, user) and the password (does not appear when typing).

srx210 (ttyu0)

login: user
Password: *****

--- JUNOS 10.0R2.10 built 2011-01-11 11:11:11 UTC

The prompt changes to username@host>, where username is the name of the user logged in, and host is the hostname for the device.

Logging in as the Root User

After logging in, the root user must start the CLI from the shell.

To log in as root user:
At the login prompt, enter root.

srx210 (ttyu0)

login: root
Password: *****

--- JUNOS 10.0R2.10 built 2011-01-11 11:11:11 UTC

At the prompt, enter cli.

root@srx210% cli

The CLI is started in operational mode.


Note: After logging out of the CLI, make sure to exit the shell so that no unauthorized users can access the device.

At the prompt, enter configure

root@srx210> configure


Note: At this mode you can make changes to the SRX Firewall configuration & commit the changes.

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